logo for the society of St. Vincent de Paul

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Our St Vincent de Paul Society is thankful to St John Fisher parishioners, the Catholic Women's League and the Knights of Columbus for their generous contributions.

Every month, with your help, we are able to support between 40-50 families in our church boundaries with food and/or FreshCo or No Frills gift cards (about $2,000). In September, we usually support children with school supplies and in December, we provide Christmas hampers of non-perishable food items and gift cards.

Here's how you can help:

  • Please consider choosing St. Vincent de Paul as your charity. You can give cash or FreshCo/No Frills gift cards ($20/$30/$50). Place your contributions into the blue collection boxes.
  • Please consider becoming a regular donor. We can provide envelopes for planned giving and you will receive a tax receipt for donations over $20.
    • or you can donate online at https://ssvp.ca/donate-conference-or-council/#Donate2
  • We are also looking for new members to support our service to the vulnerable.

The Society of St Vincent de Paul is always looking for new members to join us in our ministry to serve the needy in our community. If you have any questions or interested in joining this most fulfilling ministry please call us at (905) 790-2479 or email at stjohnfisherssvp@gmail.com.

We meet every second Wednesday of the month for an hour.  Come and make a difference with us!

If you are unable to join but would like to support us, please use the envelopes available in the church foyer or donate online. 

Thank you.

You have an opportunity to help your SJF Vincentians to see the Face of Jesus in the smiles of our poor this Christmas and through the year.

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40